Learn to Care for Birds
Course Code: BAG108 | Course Duration: 100 hours
Learn the facts about keeping birds to better manage their health, wellbeing and vitality.
Are you passionate and serious about practicing proper care of birds? Look no further!
What Makes this Course Work?
It's not just about what you learn but also ...
- how you learn
- the depth of learning
- the mix of information
This is is a robust, carefully designed learning journey, supported by experienced, qualified experts in bird care. To learn well it is important to be interacting with the experts as an individual. As you progress through this course you will be answering and submitting questions in formal assignments . Your progress is monitored on an individual level and feedback is given from expert tutors after every submitted assignment. In addition we have academic staff on duty daily, to respond to any technical or other questions you have about your studies.
Who is this Course For?
- Pet training and services
- Bird showing
- Bird breeding
- Animal rehabilitation or rescue
- Veterinarian services
- Animal or land based education
- Aviculture special interest groups or wildlife conservation
- Birdwatching events or tourist linked groups e.g. bird of prey demonstration
Bring new and innovative techniques to your care for birds – get the best out of them and make caring for birds a pleasure.
What's Covered in this Course?
There are eight lessons in this course as outline below:
Lesson 1. Scope and Nature of Bird Care
- Introduction
- Selection
- Grooming
- Hygiene
- Terminology
Lesson 2. Breeds
- Bird types
- Choosing a bird
- Commonly kept bird
Lesson 3. Housing Birds
- Aviaries
- Minimum requirements for keeping birds
- Water, feeding and stimulation equipment
Lesson 4. Feed and Nutrition
- Feed and feeding
- Watering
- Nutritional requirements
Lesson 5. Health Management
- Caring for the sick bird
- Safety on the home
- Traveling
- Common ailments
Lesson 6. Bird Behaviour and Training
- Catching and restraining
- Behaviour
- Training
Lesson 7. Breeding
- Sexing and Desexing
- Breeding
- Welfare
- Reproduction
- Neo-natal car
Lesson 8. Working in the Bird Industry
- Pet trade and breeding
- Showing
- Avian health
- Pigeon racing
- Falconry
- Zoos and Wildlife Parks
- Avian tourism
- Farming birds for meat, eggs, feathers or oils
- Birds for pest control
- Bird fertiliser -manure
What Can You Learn?
- Scope of aviculture and networking with others involved.
- Types of birds to keep for different purposes.
- Appropriate housing for a range of different types of captive birds.
- Feeding requirements for a range of different captive birds.
- Management techniques for bird health care.
- Behavioural traits of any birds you keep.
- How to set up an aviary for a safe and enriching environment (often seen in rehabilitation settings).
- Know how to manage and respond to behaviours.
- An introduction to bird training.
- How to manage a breeding program.
Where might these Studies Lead?
The knowledge, networking and experience that comes from completing 100 hours of studies in aviculture will on a personal level expand your capacity to care for birds and your awareness of both amateur and professional aviculture. If you work in the pet or animal industry, it will improve you career, business or employment prospects.
What is the Right Choice for You?
Everyone in this world is different in what they need, what they aspire to and what they are capable of.
This is why we provide a free course and career counselling service. Connect with our course advisors and start a conversation. We want to make sure you follow the best learning pathway - whether with us - or someone else.
Making a better choice before enrolling is always the best way to begin any course of study whether learning about birds or anything else.