Learn Animal Biology
Course Code: BAG101| Nominal Course Duration: 100 hours
Learn about ...
- Animal Anatomy and Physiology
- Pets, Livestock and birds
Animal husbandry involves management of domesticated and captive animals. This first course in the Animal Husbandry suite of courses covers the fundamentals of animal biology - anatomy and physiology.
The great news is you don't need a science and biology background to succeed.
This course suits you if you need to learn:
- cells and their components parts - the most basic unit composing all living things
- major biological systems anatomy and physiology
- biology that is focused on pets and livestock - dogs, cats, horses, sheep, cattle, pigs, poultry
- a foundation which can be applied in animal care settings
Course Content
Lesson 1. Introduction, Cells and Tissues
- livestock classes
- livestock products
- interrelationship between crops and livestock
- cells and tissues
- special properties of cells
- osmosis
- nutrient waste
Lesson 2. The Digestive System
- digestive system
- mouth, tongue, teeth,
- oesophagus
- simple stomach
- small intestine
- large intestine
- ruminant stomach
- accessory organs of the digestive system
- the process of digestion
- absorption and utilisation in the simple stomach
- enzymes
- breakdown by microorganisms of the microbiome
- digestion, absorption and utilisation in the ruminant stomach
- mechanical action
- action of micro-organisms
- utilisation of the end products of digestion
Lesson 3. The Circulatory System
- circulatory system
- composition of blood
- functions of blood
- clotting mechanism
- immunity
- blood vessels
- arteries
- veins
- capillaries
- physiology of the circulatory system
- rates of heart beats
- spleen
- lymphatic system
- circulatory networks
Lesson 4. The Urinary System
anatomy of the urinary system
physiology of urinary system
excretion in different animals
Lesson 5. The Nervous System
- central and peripheral nervous system
- main parts of the nervous system
- neurons
- sensory neurons
- motor neurons
- central nervous system
- the brain
- spinal cord
- peripheral nervous system
- cranial nerves
- spinal nerves
- autonomic nervous system
- reflex actions
- endocrine system
- structure and function of the ear
- hearing
- structure and function of the eye
- the iris
Lesson 6. Respiration
- structure and function of the nose
- anatomy of respiration
- trachea
- bronchial tree
- lungs
- physiology of respiration
- gaseous exchange
- rate and depth of breathing
Lesson 7. The Reproductive System
- anatomy of the male reproductive system
- testes
- accessory organs
- penis
- physiology of male reproductive system
- hormone production
- sperm production
- erection
- ejaculation
- fertility problems in males
- venereal diseases
- other diseases
- injury
- physical immaturity
- emotional immaturity
- nutrition
- poor handling
- anatomy of female reproductive system
- ovaries
- fallopian tubes
- uterus
- cervix
- physiology of the female reproductive system
- ovulation, oestrus cycle
- fertility problems, difficulties conceiving
- venereal and other diseases
- physical abnormalities
- nutrition
- inability to carry a foetus to full-term
- pregnancy and parturition
- fertilisation
- pregnancy
- parturition
- birth process
- difficult births
- structure of the mammary glands
- secretion of milk
- milk ejection
- reproduction data for cows, sows and ewes
Lesson 8. Muscles and Meat
- muscles and meat
- smooth muscle
- striated voluntary muscle
- cardiac muscle
- structure of meat
- dressing out percentage
- composition of the beef animal
- meat quality and tenderness
- juiciness
- flavour
- cuts and joints of meat
Lesson 9. The Skeleton
- bones
- how bones are formed
- anatomy of bones
- fractures and fracture healing
- five types of bone
- joints of bone
- the skeleton
- dentition
- the dental formula
- cattle
- dental formula of an ox and cow
- eruption of permanent teeth
- pigs
Lesson 10. Animal Growth, Development and the Endocrine System
- growth and development
- growth curve
- prenatal growth
- post-natal growth
- fat
- factors which affect the size of new borns
- factors affecting post-natal growth
- early maturing
- compensatory growth
- endocrine system
- pituitary gland
- thyroid
- parathyroid
- thymus
- adrenal bodies
- pancreas
- testes
- ovaries
- pineal body
- mucous membrane of the stomach
Lesson 11. Comparing Different Animals
- poultry
- digestion
- gullet
- crop
- proventriculus
- gizzard
- intestine
- caecum
- rectum
- incubating eggs
- natural incubation
- symptoms of a broody hen
- fish
What you will learn!
- structure of animals, including bones, organs, cells and tissues.
- digestion of animals.
- the circulatory system of animals.
- the structure and function of the animal urinary system.
- the nervous system of animals.
- the respiratory system of animals.
- animal reproductive systems.
- the muscular system in animals.
- the skeletal system of a typical mammal.
- biological mechanisms underlying the growth and development of animals.
- the endocrine system of animals.
- differences between different types of animals.
Study when, where and however much you want. Enjoy the flexibility and self-paced study that fits around your life.
A commitment close to that may be needed to comprehensively achieve desired learning outcomes, and for long term gain.
Anyone who owns or cares for animals can benefit - from pet owners to farmers, or anyone else working with pets, livestock or wildlife.
Professional Development for anyone in the pet industry
Take charge of your work and personal goals today!
"This course teaches [you] the different systems within animals in terms of structure and function, cell and tissue structure, and also the differences between different categories of animals."
Marius Erasmus, Pet Courses Online & ACS Distance Education Tutor B.Sci(Ag) B.Sci(Wild), MSc(Ag)
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